Amazon Product Listing Specialist

Listing/selling on Amazon is not just about having a great title, description, images & item specs, it is also about being able to react to sudden Amazon policy changes, by having the ability to make big or small changes within mins. Setting up your items and listing them correctly, makes managing and bulk editing very quick and easy to do.

StoreFront & Product Pages

If you have ever looked at either your competitor’s or other seller’s Amazon Storefront & product page and only wished that you could have you’re looking as professional and organised, with e-MPS you can.

We will either help you choose an off the shelve template and build on it to make it more to your liking or we can build you one from the ground up to either look and feel like your own website or go one step further and create for you your own website with a uniformed design to match your Amazon store.


Banners are a great way to generate traffic to your store by advertising what your store is about and what you have on offer. Use banners to run promotions, new arrivals and occasions like Christmas, Mother’s/Farther’s Day, Halloween, Easter etc. Promoting things like Free Post and last Christmas Shipping Dates are also a great way to use banners. Tell us what you want and we will create it.